Partner Solutions

Employee Benefits
with ScoreMaster®

Meet employees’ growing demand for financial and privacy wellness with our employee benefits platform—ScoreMaster®.

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Helps in So Many Ways

Boost morale, improve productivity, and increase retention with benefits that improve your employees’ financial lives and online privacy.

Immediate Financial Impact

Monitor credit, money, privacy, and fraud

Optimize credit scores to unlock the best deals

Save time with Action buttons and tools

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Immediate Fraud & Privacy Protection

Insure the whole household with $1,000,000 in ID Fraud Insurance

Scans for online data and personal information being sold or misused

Remove personal information from data broker websites

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Immediate Impact

Two Ways to Add This Benefit Today


Employer-Sponsored Program

Supplement your current offerings using our financial and privacy technologies to enhance the financial wellness of your employees.


Voluntary Employee Sign-Up

Provide your employees with resources and information regarding our product and give them the option to purchase a subscription.

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Want More Details on ScoreMaster® ?


“Improve your hiring and retention by providing a truly meaningful employee benefit.”

David B. Coulter, Founder & CEO